Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Back in Minnesota

After a fairly uneventful return trip, Michele and I are back in Minnesota. So far we've only been here a few days, but it's been great to see family and friends again and cathc up on what we've been missing out on. I hope we'll have a chance to see many of you before we return to Colombia in early September.

We're staying with Michele's parents until the end of July. The phone number here is (651) 633-4451. As of August 1st we'll be back in our house in Minneapolis, and back at our old phone number - (612) 822-6653.

We've arranged a number of presentations over the next few months to show our photos and talk about Colombia. Please let us know if you'd like to come to one and we can make sure you receive an invitation.

We're also still looking for a renter. If you know anyone who needs a short-term (probably September through March), furnished rental in Minneapolis, please have them call us or e-mail us (my address is nilsdybvig(at)

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